Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Morning Shares - 05-26-2013

Here's the links & tweets to share from the last week.  It's a day later than normal, but I suspect that didn't traumatize anyone.  Most were also shared on this Facebook page or retweeted.  Please add any fun or informative stories I missed in the comments.

Random Stuff:

(via @mashable)

(via No Hope For the Human Race)
(via I Must Geek Out)

Has Photoshop Gone Too Far? (via Zach)

10 Life Lessons from Calvin & Hobbes (via Sarah & Ivy)

(via Ivy & The Dangers of Baby Training)

(via @mashable)

(via @mashable)

Religion Stuff:

‘I’m Actually An Atheist’ Shirts Being Sold to Help Out Atheist Who Spoke to Wolf Blitzer (via @hemantmehta)

The abusive theology of “deserved” tragedy… (via New York City Atheists)

(via Atheist Mingle)

Gay Stuff:

Kids in the Hall Alum Scott Thompson on Hannibal and Why Being Gay Is Now Boring (via Kids in the Hall)

Political Stuff:

Maddow: Real Benghazi scandal is how media got played by GOP ‘sources’ (via Ken)

Pope blames tyranny of capitalism for making people miserable

(via @GoAngelo)

Ron Lindsay & Women in Secularism 2:

The Silencing of Men

Tone Policing Only Goes One Way (via Vyckie)

Statement of Objection to Center for Inquiry CEO Ron Lindsay's Actions Regarding Feminism

Secular Coalition of America's Weekly Update:

National Secular Movement Update Call (05/23/2013)

Asshole Of The Week:

Reddit Porn:

(via /r/MilitaryPorn)

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