Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Morning Shares - 05-26-2013

Here's the links & tweets to share from the last week.  It's a day later than normal, but I suspect that didn't traumatize anyone.  Most were also shared on this Facebook page or retweeted.  Please add any fun or informative stories I missed in the comments.

Random Stuff:

(via @mashable)

(via No Hope For the Human Race)
(via I Must Geek Out)

Has Photoshop Gone Too Far? (via Zach)

10 Life Lessons from Calvin & Hobbes (via Sarah & Ivy)

(via Ivy & The Dangers of Baby Training)

(via @mashable)

(via @mashable)

Religion Stuff:

‘I’m Actually An Atheist’ Shirts Being Sold to Help Out Atheist Who Spoke to Wolf Blitzer (via @hemantmehta)

The abusive theology of “deserved” tragedy… (via New York City Atheists)

(via Atheist Mingle)

Gay Stuff:

Kids in the Hall Alum Scott Thompson on Hannibal and Why Being Gay Is Now Boring (via Kids in the Hall)

Political Stuff:

Maddow: Real Benghazi scandal is how media got played by GOP ‘sources’ (via Ken)

Pope blames tyranny of capitalism for making people miserable

(via @GoAngelo)

Ron Lindsay & Women in Secularism 2:

The Silencing of Men

Tone Policing Only Goes One Way (via Vyckie)

Statement of Objection to Center for Inquiry CEO Ron Lindsay's Actions Regarding Feminism

Secular Coalition of America's Weekly Update:

National Secular Movement Update Call (05/23/2013)

Asshole Of The Week:

Reddit Porn:

(via /r/MilitaryPorn)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Atheism Plus, The Word "Stupid", and Offense

I recently wrote about not calling all Christians stupid[1]. I stand by that, but I'm not entirely opposed to use of the word "stupid".

More recently, I shared a video by Steve Shives called "5 Stupid Things About the Men's Rights Movement"[2]. Given the subject matter, I thought r/atheismplus[3] might appreciate it. Hell, it's stupid shit like Men's Rights Advocates that make much of what Atheism Plus[4] aims to address necessary.

I was partially right, as the next day, the post was on the front page with a score of 7 (10 upvotes, 3 down).  But I was also partially wrong, as the moderators didn't like it as much.

It was removed because it contained the word "stupid".  The conversation that ensued didn't result in anything productive.  They say their goal is to create a safe space for who are hurt by words like "stupid".  I'm sure they think they're doing something good, but I'm not sure they're doing the good they think they are.

Just the use of the word "stupid" makes them think of the mentally disabled.  In other words, they associate the mentally disabled with stupidity.  They claim to not be attempting to protect them, but that's exactly what they're doing.  They really are taking on the role of White Knight, despite their insistence otherwise.

A cafeteria I frequent employs some mentally disabled people in various roles.  There are two kinds of ways I see people treat them.  Some people treat them like they're anyone else, speaking to them as if they're capable of handling being treated like they're not stupid.  Then there are others, who talk down to them, speaking to them as if they're five years old.  Atheism Plus, or at least the moderators of their subreddit, are of the latter group.

They took offense on behalf of people who never asked for it.  They attempt to defend people from things they do not need defending from.  They're not helping anyone by getting offended at everything.  If anything, they do more damage than good.  They think they're fighting a culture that harms various types of people.  But all they're doing creating a culture that keeps those people down.  A culture that sees them as less than.

When you find offense[5] around every corner, people get used to you being offended.  When they get used to be offended, they tune you out.

Misogyny[6] is real.  Discrimination against the disabled[7] is real.  Both must be fought.  But focusing on words instead of actions doesn't fight either.  Treating people like they cannot handle the real world[8] does not help them.  Plus, it's better to treat people like they're human beings.  After all, human beings is exactly what they are.

This is something I've been gradually noticing, but still hoping wasn't the case, about them.  I want to like Atheism Plus, but shit like this does make it difficult.  Being that overly sensitive is stupid, and I don't think saying that makes me ableist. It makes me realistic.  It makes me someone who doesn't associate the word "stupid" with the disabled.

This incident on Reddit, may not be representative of Atheism Plus.  I certainly hope it's not, and I've had plenty of positive interactions with people who identify as Atheism Plussers.  But the more direct interaction I have with people in leadership positions with Atheism Plus, the less I find myself wanting to defend them.

I'll continue to defend them when I see the irrational hatred they receive, as I still see an insane amount of obsessive hate aimed at them.  My interactions with people who actively oppose Atheism Plus have been far less positive, mostly being reminiscent of conversations with conspiracy theorists & Creationists.    But I don't see myself adopting the label anytime soon.  And I'll definitely be criticizing them when I feel it's warranted.

If the haters are right, I'll be vilified for criticizing them.  I don't expect that to happen though, even despite the unfortunate incident that prompted this post.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Draw Mohammed Day

The original plan was to have this[1] done in advance.  Instead, life got in the way, and I almost forgot about it completely.  I had shut down my computer for the night, only to be reminded of it by a tweet by Steve Shives[2].  So I started it back up & drew this.

Yup, my art skills are that good[3].  Be jealous.  

3.  I'll try to get a few of the ones from people with actual artistic ability to share later.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday Morning Shares - 05-18-2013

Here's the links & tweets to share from the last week.  Most were also shared on this Facebook page or retweeted.  Please add any fun or informative stories I missed in the comments.

Random Stuff:

To Abercrombie and Fitch: My weight was never my worth (via /r/BodyAcceptance/)

'Star Wars Kid' Blasts Bullies, Jedi Knights Defend Him (via @mashable)

20 Animals So Ugly They're Cute (via @mashable)

Sylvia Browne's Failed Amanda Berry Prediction Returns To Haunt Her

Dialect Map Of U.S. Shows How Americans Speak By Region (IMAGE) (via Jennifer)

Photograph shows a lion, tiger, and bear that live together in the same enclosure at an animal sanctuary (via @snopes)

Mark Twain Captured on Film by Thomas Edison in 1909. It’s the Only Known Footage of the Author. (via @Alyssa_Milano)


Google Timelapse Shows How Earth Has Changed in 28 Years (via @Alyssa_Milano)

Religion Stuff:

Butthurt Christians Oppressed By Sports Thing That Never Happened (via Becky)

The Myth of Christian Persecution (via /r/Freethought/)

Daddy, Daughter Discuss God (Again); More Cuteness Ensues (via /r/Freethought/)

(via Occupy Bacon)
9 Questions That Atheists Might Find Insulting (And the Answers) (via Sarah)

Atheists to Accept Georgia Governor’s Offer by Sending Atheist Books to State Parks

Pat Robertson marriage counseling: men sometimes cheat – go make the house nice. (via @jteberhard)

Gay Stuff:

George Takei Responds To "Traditional" Marriage Fans (via George Takei)

"Where were you when it mattered?" (via @hemantmehta)

'Geography of Hate' Maps Racist, Homophobic, Ableist Tweets (via @mashable)

Secular Coalition of America's Weekly Update:

National Secular Movement Update Call (05/16/2013)

Asshole Of The Week:

(via Reaganomics , Raping America since 1981)

Space Porn:

(via /r/spaceporn/)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How Do You Discern The Bible's Stance On Homosexuality?

The following is part of a series of posts that will be a public discussion[1] between myself and the Christian author of a blog called "The Discerning Christian"[2].

The issue I've decided to start with is one where we appear to have a lot agreement[3]homosexuality[4]. Plus, it's a topic I care quite a bit about.  I've never understood the bigotry[5] associated with it.  I understand it slightly better since growing up and learning that it is, as far as I've ever been able to find, entirely from the religious, but that just tells me that one illogical stance comes from another.

For Christians who are not anti-gay bigots, I have a few questions.
In discussing homosexuality with Christians, you will generally find that most of them agree that the Church has treated the LGBT community wrongly, and I would agree.
That has not been my experience.  I suspect that it would not be the experience of my gay friends if they were asked. My experience with Christians and homosexuality tends to be more like the rest of that paragraph.
But unless you’re in a church community which actually accepts homosexuality, you will find that everyone has their own pet caveats for why it’s not okay, even though the Church is not treating homosexuals as it should. You will hear comparisons of homosexuality to addiction to pornography or alcohol. You will hear slippery slope arguments, like how will we say no to one night stands or even bestiality if we can’t say no to homosexuality.
Your post is an admirable defense of homosexuality, something that shouldn't even need defended.  But how do you reconcile your reasonable approach to homosexuality with what the Bible says about it?
Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable. - Leviticus 18:22[6]
 If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. - Leviticus 20:13[7]
Do you think you being a Christian, who I presume quotes & reveres the same Bible as Westboro Baptist Church and the countless hate groups whose names contain the word "family", lends credibility to them and others[8] who use the Bible to justify their anti-gay stances[9]?
The ancient people were not stupid, but they did not have the knowledge we have and would have written the Bible in accordance with the way they understood things to be.
Do you think the Bible is the inspired word of your god?  If you can say that the Bible was written by men who were limited by the time they lived in, how do you justify following it?  You clearly think parts of the Bible should be disregarded.  How do you go about deciding which parts to follow and which parts to throw out?
I argue that homosexual Christians should learn to order their desires in the same manner as all other Christians, that they express love and commitment alongside any sort of eroticism. That is the Christian ideal for all sexual desire. That is my hope for homosexual Christians, that they are able to live lives where they can express their homosexuality in a healthy manner and in a way which glorifies God.
You certainly could take a worse approach to it, for instance something like the majority of Christian views on the issue that I encounter.  But I still have a different take on it.  My hope for homosexual Christians is for them to leave the religion that follows a book which says they should be put to death.  My hope for homosexual Christians is for them to abandon the religion that is the driving force behind their status as second class citizens[10].

This probably comes off as harsh, but I don't really know how else to write about this issue.  And it is something about Christianity I've long wondered.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Worth Your Attention - FFRFcrankmail

I've been planning a series of posts recommending people to follow for a while, as I've been fortunate enough to found enough such people that I had a backlog of suggestions immediately upon thinking of doing this.

This first in this series, wasn't intended to be first, as it's someone I discovered just a few days ago.  But, because people reading hate mail is one of my favorite things, I like this one enough to want to share it right away.  I'm talking about the the YouTube channel "FFRFcrankmail"[1].

The concept is simple.  Freethought Today[2] is a publication by the Freedom From Religion Foundation[3].  As is common for atheists in public eye[4], they get hate mail.  They publish some of that hate mail in Freethought Today.  The woman behind this channel reads that hate mail for our entertainment.

The best part is that neither of them correct grammar or spelling.  It's printed exactly as written and she reads it exactly as printed.  Including when it's in all caps.  The voices she gives them puts a nice twist on it too.  They attitude she gives the authors of these letters seems to fit pretty well.  She does it well enough to have gotten the attention of Freethought Today[5].

For your viewing convenience, I've included a playlist of the entire series[6] (23 so far).

Perhaps the channel will eventually get popular enough that she's reading her own hate mail[7] like some other atheists[8].

She can also be found on Twitter as @ffrfcrankmail[9].  And thank you to Hemant Mehta for sharing[10] this for me to have found.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Discerning With A Christian

I recently put out a request for a Christian blogger to dialogue with[1].  I had several responses.  I will probably end up taking more than one of them up on it, but for now, I'm starting with one. The Christian's blog is called The Discerning Christian[2].

The author describes himself[3] as moderate Christian and not a Biblical literalist.

His stated purpose[4] for the blog is:
This blog exists to equip Christian laymen with the philosophical tools to be more discerning in their understanding of Christianity.
Christianity finds itself at a turning point. For all of its attempts to be “relevant,” which usually involves buying new clothes for the pastors and playing modern styles of music, people are still leaving the faith. For all our apologists, our politicians, etc., etc., people are still leaving the faith.
I can’t blame them. It’s all lipstick on a pig, so to speak.
It is time we started taking our critics seriously. To that end, I write this blog. We don’t need convoluted arguments to keep our faith intact; we need to face reality, and that will change some of the things we believe. A realist does not fear the results of his experiments. The reality is that many lines of thinking in Christianity are inherently corrupt and foster cultures of abuse and intolerance. If we will know the children of God by their love for one another, then we should keep looking. I am here to help you look.
He's a Christian who says he wants to face reality and have coherent arguments.  I'm someone who thinks belief in Christianity (and every other theistic religion) has no rational justification.  This[5] should be a fun exercise.

Only time will tell if it's also productive.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday Morning Shares - 05-11-2013

Here's the links & tweets to share from the last week.  Most were also shared on this Facebook page or retweeted.  Please add any fun or informative stories I missed in the comments.

Random Stuff:

(via +Wil Wheaton)

(via @mashable)

Has the internet killed the Loch Ness monster? (via @SkeptInquiry)

15 Pop-Culture Realizations That Will Blow Your Mind


Terrifying images from the microscope (16 pictures) (via Science-fact)

Religion Stuff:

(via +Jeff Schneider)
(via Godless Heathens of America)

Why Are Christian Homeschooling Parents Pushing to Expose Their Children to Evolution? (via @hemantmehta)

Elizabeth Smart Speaks Out Against Abstinence Only Education, Mormon Upbringing (via /r/exmormon/)

(via Apostacon)

Political Stuff:

(via Daily Kos)

Getting the Freedom to Die (via American Humanist Association)

Secular Coalition of America's Weekly Update:

National Secular Movement Update Call (05/09/2013)

Asshole Of The Week:

Space Porn:

(via /r/spaceporn/)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Louis CK Learns About The Catholic Church

My favorite bit on religion was done by Louis CK, who I've never seen identify himself as atheist.  I've barely even seen him say or do anything that suggested he might be atheist.  I know a few people who've never seen this video, even though it's at least 5 years old.  So I thought it was worth sharing here[1].


Christianity Versus Humanism - Suffering Edition

I've been passing a particular location of Dino's Storage nearly every day for years.  They often have quotes on their marquee.  Sometimes it's something nice.  Most of the time, it's something religious.  They recently wrote on their website that the quotes are their way of "giving back to the community while glorifying God"[1].

Today, this was the quote:

This is what's wrong with religion.  It allows this message to be considered as contributing a positive message.  And it's not like this particular message is limited to this sign.  I see this sentiment promoted by Christians as often as I see them threatening me with Hell[2].  Promotion of suffering[3] was a favorite pastime of Mother Teresa[4].

That's one of the biggest differences between Christianity and Humanism.  Christianity sees suffering as a good thing.  Humanism dares to say suffering is bad.

And they say we're the ones without morality[5].


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday Morning Shares - 05-04-2013

Here's the links & tweets to share from the last week.  Most were also shared on this Facebook page or retweeted.  Please add any fun or informative stories I missed in the comments.

Random Stuff:

Become an 'Iron Man' Expert in 30 GIFs (via @mashable)

Based on the nature of their character, which Muppet would have the highest probable factor of successfully assassinating Hitler? (via @hemantmehta)

23 Ubelievable Places (via Sarah)

Religion Stuff:

The Best Ricky Gervais Atheist Tweets (via Sarah)

Space Porn:

(via /r/spaceporn)

Secular Coalition of America's Weekly Update:

National Secular Movement Update Call (05/02/2013)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Five Stupid Things About the Men's Rights Movement

I've encountered the so-called Men's Rights Movement[1] a lot lately.  The more I see of it, the more I see that they're nothing but whiny little bitches who don't like women for a variety of reasons and are throwing a hissy fit because they don't get to act the misogynist assholes they could have if they'd lived a hundred years earlier.

It pisses me off enough that I'll definitely have more to say on it later to show what I mean.  But, for now, I'll leave you with Steve Shives'[2] take on it[3], the latest is his spectacular "Five Stupid Things About . . ."[4] series, as it's spot on and I don't want to wait to share this.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

K-II Meter Helps Find Ghosts

I recently stumbled upon the pilot episode of Deep South Paranormal[1]. It was only on in the background, so I didn't catch all of it, but I did catch the repeated references to their "K2 meter". I had an idea, but wasn't sure what it was.  I was curious, so I looked it up.

I found one for sale on Amazon[2], and it has some helpful reviews.

It works flawlessly.[3]

I was a skeptic but I really have no complaints. The first time I used the K-II was in the basement of a library. I wasn't certain it was working until I passed a pillar of books stacked in a way that no human being could possibly have done. The meter was off the charts near the books. That's when I saw the purple specter hovering at the end of a row just reading a book. She looked friendly enough so I took a minute to come up with a plan to nab her. When I lunged for her with my arms she transformed into an ugly projection and I was paralyzed by fear. I knew after that, I needed some additional equipment.

I purchased the K-II proton pack and the K-II EMP trapper and got to put my new gear to the test when I was hired by a hotel to remove a pesky slug specter. It was green with large yellowish teeth and floated menacingly above the food cart on the 13th floor. I hardly needed the K-II since he couldn't have been more visible, nevertheless the K-II was spot on and began to go crazy as I approached the little fella. It took me a while to shepherd the little guy into the hotel dining room, but once there I was able to successfully use the K-II proton pack to snare and trap the devious thing within my K-II EMP trapper. The hotel manager wasn't very happy about the mess, but thanks to my K-II equipment and plenty of experience they are now ghost free.

I purchased an old fire house and setup an industrial K-II EMF storage unit in the basement so I'd have a place to empty my traps. I made a successful go of it as a business for several months but I began to notice a pattern. Armed with my reliable K-II gear I was finding spectral incursions all over the place, especially in urban areas. Using my K-II EMF Meter I traced the source of these incursions back to an old building in Manhattan. It wasn't long after that I realized this building was designed to open a gateway into another dimension. I climbed up to the roof with my proton pack and encountered an evil goddess and her minions materializing through the gateway. I was able to deceive her by posing as a god and she escorted me to the front of the gate, presumably so we could rule side by side. As we approached the gateway I quickly activated my K-II proton pack and fired into the portal. A huge explosion ensued and practically tore the building in half. The gateway began to flicker and emit an almost demonic sound of static. After a moment it appeared to collapse in upon itself taking all the evil with it back into the hellish dimension from which it came.

Ghosts Everywhere[4]

I can't believe all the ghosts I found with this device. They were all over; in my kitchen appliances, in my light bulbs, and even in my electrical outlets. I even think I summoned some kind of demon by shuffling my socks on the carpet. I mean, who knew that ghosts haunted power lines? I complained to my electric company that they were providing me haunted electricity and demanded that they send an exorcist but they wouldn't listen so I had them cut off the power and I covered the outlets with aluminum foil and crucifixes to protect my home and my family. I suggest everyone buy one of these so you can guard their homes from the evil ghosts that hide in the electricity.


The product works as advertised, however to my dismay it turns out that specters who wish to be known will be known whether you have invested sixty dollars or not. Three of them (or were there four?) came to me Christmas Eve last, and while it was a frightening experience they taught me a valuable lesson. Don't hold onto possessions, my fellow humans, but hold onto the love of your near ones! For me, it was nearly too late, but for you there is plenty of time in your young lives to put people in front of money.

Save your $60 here, and buy the fattest goose in the window instead.

The K-II Meter was still wrapped and under the tree as a present from my nephew when the ghosts arrived and had their way with my perceptions. It was great at detecting their signatures *after the fact.*

But, of course, there's always one quack:

There are no such things as ghosts[6]

This meter detects electrical fields, not ghosts. There are no such things as ghosts. That's fun to believe when you are a kid but if you can afford to buy this you had better be an electrical contractor because if you're buying it to find ghosts you really ought to get a better hobby. Go help out living people in a nearby old-folks-home or something. Please.
