I don't know how some of the bigger bloggers manage to publish so often. I'm terrible about bookmarking more things to share than I can find the time to write about. I've decided to start sharing them as a group on Saturday mornings. Sometimes they'll be timely news stories (give or take a week). Other times they'll be random, older bits I've come across & just want to share.
But first I'm gonna drop a bunch of things I had bookmarked to share that still seem worth sharing. And, even with sharing this much crap on Thursday evening, I've got some stuff already on the post for Saturday. This should be an interesting experiment.
Teen Denied Communion After Marriage Equality Facebook Post
I'm sure many people have posted this, but Wayne LaPierre, meet your good pal Archie Bunker.youtu.be/-lDb0Dn8OXE
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) December 30, 2012
Kids Without God
Christian Group Says Demon Sex Makes You Gay
Salvation Army comes under fire for alleged anti-gay stance huff.to/TgCPMq
— HuffPost Religion (@HuffPostRelig) November 26, 2012
CHECK IT OUT: International Directory of Freethought Groups from Atheist Alliance International: ow.ly/fEGOO
— AJ Johnson (@HappiestAtheist) November 28, 2012
Exposing Protestant Clergy Sex Abusers fb.me/P2wYWw3Z
— Teresa Macbain (@Teresamacbain) November 27, 2012
How and when did Jesus become white huff.to/10XuMtW
— HuffPost Religion (@HuffPostRelig) November 30, 2012
Atheist group called "terrorists" for criticizing holiday displays huff.to/Wxd6QD
— HuffPost Religion (@HuffPostRelig) November 29, 2012
Loudoun County Official Apologizes for Calling Atheists ‘Terrorists’… and Then Calls Atheists ‘Terrorists’ Again bit.ly/11lFgmb
— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) November 29, 2012
What makes religious texts sacred? huff.to/11thaWp
— HuffPost Religion (@HuffPostRelig) December 1, 2012
Atheist Census
Why the image going around of Jesus sitting in a classroom is pretty damn insensitive and offensive: therearethornstoo.blogspot.com/2012/12/monday…
— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) December 18, 2012
Vatican declares that same-sex couples live in a "different reality" huff.to/UNcPsd
— HuffPost Religion (@HuffPostRelig) December 19, 2012
Oliver Sacks, the popular author and professor of neuroscience at NYU, claims that the brain alone is sufficient... fb.me/1NEP5UaZN
— Omaha CoR (@OmahaCoR) December 20, 2012
Seth Andrews: Deconverted fb.me/1RtyoqLNP
— Teresa Macbain (@Teresamacbain) December 25, 2012
And Some Stuff About Billboard Vandalism:
Inoffensive Atheist Sign Gets Vandalized in Virginia; It Was Spraypainted and Burned bit.ly/VkPuyC
— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) December 28, 2012
#Atheist group based here has been having trouble with one its signs. Not sure about the billboard in Times Square. -CS cranford.patch.com/articles/cranf…
— Cranford Patch / Cam (@cranfordpatch) December 27, 2012
A Second Atheist Billboard Vandalized Near Roanoke, Virginia bit.ly/VIDR3s
— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) December 28, 2012
Within 48 hours of its placement, vandals had already marred the display: ow.ly/gawqi
— KC Atheist Coalition (@KCAtheists) December 18, 2012
First read this: patheos.com/blogs/friendly…. Then: Atheist Banner Destroyed After Councilman Says He'd ‘Look the Other Way’ bit.ly/VsmJ1K
— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) December 25, 2012
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