A little while ago, a request was made on the Recovering From Religion Facebook page[1].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have an urgent request for help from the Denver area. Someone there is trying to escape her ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. This has been verified by a social worker. Her most urgent need is housing. If you can help or know a resource to direct her, please contact me IMMEDIATELY at admin@recoveringfromreligion.org. Folks, this is why the Hotline Project will make such a difference. Imagine her being able to make one call to hear a friendly voice to help point her towards an Exit Strategy.People responded on that thread and elsewhere with suggestions & offers, resulting in this follow-up[2].
We had an outpouring of support for the woman escaping her orthodox Jewish community. I have passed all the information I received on to her case manager, and the CM has assured me they are working with the woman. She also has my direct contact information, and should we hear from her, many of you who offered your homes as a safe space will likely hear from me at that time. For now, I have been informed she has been admitted to an inpatient ward for severe depression, and they will work with her on establishing a safe place when she is able to discharge. Thank you again, to each of you who either shared our message or contacted us offering assistance. Your kindness is overwhelming, and I know the facility was blown away by your generosity. I appreciate you all so much! ~Sarah Morehead, Executive Director, Recovering From ReligionThis is why I support Recovering From Religion. Religion does very real damage to real people. Recovering From Religion is doing something about it in tangible ways. If you'd like to help them do more of this, you can donate here[3].
1. http://www.facebook.com/RecoveringFromReligion/posts/490287517687786
2. https://www.facebook.com/RecoveringFromReligion/posts/492584884124716
3. http://recoveringfromreligion.org/donate/recovering-from-religion/