Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gender Equality In The Bible

I often see silly claims made about the Bible.  We all do.  It's a silly book.  Today's silliness was on the issue of equality between men & women[1].
When I asked him about it, the answer I got was Ephesians 5, specifically verse 21 to the end of the chapter[2].  Of course, I looked up the part he referenced.  Here's what it says[3].
Instructions for Christian Households
21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
The first sentence says to submit to each other.  But that's the extent of the equality expressed.  It tells wives to submit to husbands as they would to Jesus/God.  It tells husbands to love their wives, as Jesus loves his worshipers.  Note the different words it uses when instructing each.  Women are to respect men as their superiors, and men are to love women as their inferiors.  This isn't equality, it's a hierarchy with women below men and men below Jesus.

But he thinks this is where the Bible states men & women are equal[4].
I'm not writing this to accuse him of misogyny.  He didn't say anything blatantly misogynist and did express the opinion that men & women are equals.  However, he is ignorant of what it says in the book he reveres.  But's it's not just that.

He's ignorant of what it says, even after actually reading it.  He simply doesn't see the problem with the Bible here.  Probably because he doesn't want to see any problems with the Bible at all.  And that's the problem.

Too many are unable/unwilling to view the Bible critically.  No matter how vile its contents are, it's beyond reproach.  They've given up their ability to reason when it comes to the Bible, so they end up defending it.

Fundamentalists use the book to justify their bigotry, because the bigotry matches what is in the book.  So-called moderates, while actually trying to condemn the bigotry, end up defending it by revering the book the bigotry is based on.

So, which is worse?  Those who are blatantly bigoted, giving people good reason to not trust the Bible, or the otherwise good people who defend a bigoted book because of their own ignorance?  And how do we get the latter to see what the book really says when they've already read the part they should be offended by?

Sadly, none of this is new.  Just like most other problems related to religion, it keeps coming back up.  Maybe that's why so many atheists are so frustrated when dealing with the religious.  It's aggravating to keep dealing with the same errors, that should be easily solvable, over and over again.

Skepticism isn't just about not believing in things that don't have evidence.  It's about persistence in the face of so many people who do.  Maybe it's a never ending battle to fight against belief in the unreal.  But that's certainly better than the alternative.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Apostacon, In One Photo - Plus Some Others

David Silverman, Photobomber
Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[1]
Some Apostacon[2] organizers were taking a picture during the "Meat" Ball and David Silverman joined in.  Nothing sums why Apostacon is Apostawesome better than this picture.

Although, there's a few others from the costume party well worth sharing here.  Starting with, Silverman's reaction to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[3]
Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[4]
Photo Credit:  @Apostacon[5]
Skepticon's[6] Micah Weiss as a Tie Fighter
Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[7]
Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[8]
Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[9]
Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[10]
And, yes, I've plugged Biblename Foto[11] in two posts in a row[12].  He's that fucking good.  See here[13] for the entire album of photos most of these are taken from.

I'm not quite done talking about Apostacon.  I've got at least one more planned.  For now, it's just the fun pictures and some bragging about some praise we received this morning[14].


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Apostacon... Finally Done

I'm finally home from Apostacon[1].  Walking into the house felt like getting home from a long road trip, even though it was a 20 minute drive from home.  I'm exhausted from a great weekend.  And I'm far from who put the most into this, so I can only imagine how exhausted the main organizers are.

At these conventions, I usually don't spend much time watching the talks[2].  This time was even more so.  I only got to see 4 of the talks, and 2 were only because they were during lunch (Shelley Segal[3] & Dan Barker[4]).

Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[5]
I was so exhausted, I nodded off during Amanda Knief's talk despite her being one of my favorite people on Earth.  I also got myself a signed copy of her book, The Citizen Lobbyist: A How-to Manual for Making Your Voice Heard in Government[6], and am excited to read it.  If you're at a conference she's speaking at, she's a must see.

Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[7]
Another must see is Fred Edwords[8].  He's a genius.  He knows many things about organizing groups, and he has a way of telling us these things in a way that makes you motivated to go do it.  If you ever want to start a group and need help getting it going, the help of Fred Edwords is invaluable.  And he's dedicated to providing that help.  Atheism simply wouldn't be the same without him.

Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[9]

I'm sad that I missed Matt Dillahunty's mentalism show.  Especially considering how impressed I saw people were with it.  It was so involved that we had to clear the room for him to set up.  Sadly, it was the only thing we didn't record (at Matt's request because he's got some special plans related to it).

Luckily, Matt wasn't the only thing people were impressed with.  It's a huge relief to have had Apostacon go so well.  Attendees really seemed to like it.  I've seen several positive reviews on the Facebook.

Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[10]
JT Eberhard has had nothing but high praise for us[11].  That's a lot of pressure for next year.  Although, we've already got some ideas for next year, and have already had our first meeting for next year.

I think my favorite part of the weekend was seeing Jamila Bey wearing a shirt familiar to me.

Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[12]
She bought a shirt for REASON[13], Omaha's skeptics group and our oldest existing non-theist group.  Seeing someone of prominence, who I respect. give some love to a group I love makes me happy.

Photo Credit:  Biblename Foto[14]
Another highlight was a conversation I had with Greg Lammers, American Atheists' National Affiliate Director[15].  It's always good to see him, since he's the kind of guy you're always glad to see, but this time was especially good.  I learned about American Atheists' plans for upgrading their support of local groups, including polling groups for what kind of support they'd want and potentially customizing it for each individual group.

I'm sure I'm missing a lot, but I'm sleep deprived so that's inevitable.  Plus, I'm saving certain bits to put into their own posts.

Some great pictures of the event are up on Biblename Foto[16], with more promised to come.

Next stop is Skepticon 6[17].  Based on what Skepticon organizer, Micah Weiss, has said, Skepticon is sure to even better than it has been in the past.  I won't go into it any more than that because I don't want to ruin their surprises.  But it's going to be good times.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Are Atheists Being Ignored?

The last time atheism was mentioned in Omaha local media was when people got mad about our billboard last summer[1].  In other words, the last time they talked about us was to talk about how people hated us.

With Apostacon[2] coming up, the organizers have been offering our local media the opportunity to talk to any of the speakers[3], highlighting Nathan Phelps[4] and David Silverman[5].  They even approached the local radio show hosted by 2 atheists[6].  After speaking to some of the organizers about it, it appears that what's happened is the local media intentionally ignoring the atheists.

With our proximity to Topeka, Omaha is familiar[7] with Westboro Baptist Church[8].  And, with them currently suing our state[9], it makes sense that they'd want to talk to a member of the Phelps family who got away from Westboro's hate.  But no.  Complete silence from local media.

And, of course, they should familiar enough with David Silverman[10] to consider him worth talking to.  Complete silence.

If you'd like to help, please contact, POLITELY, any our media outlets and request they give the atheists the attention they deserve.

402-593-2700 or 212-975-3247[12]


402-978-8954 or 402-345-7777



Todd & Tyler[20]


Friday, September 13, 2013

Atheist Conference's Website 'Hacked'

This morning, Apostacon[1] announced on their Facebook[2] that their website had been hacked.  The hackers left signs all over the site and even affected the pricing of the conference tickets.  The good news is we know who the hackers are.

Cartoon ninjas.

With what they did to the Speakers page[3], they seem to have implicated two of the speakers in this crime as well.

Sarah Morehead as a ninja
JT Eberhard
Some of the other speakers have taken on the pirate role, to fight off the ninjas.

Darrel Ray as a pirate
Jamila Bey as a pirate
I can't tell which side David Silverman is on based on his hat.

I suspect that you've figured out by now that they weren't actually hacked.  It's a clever campaign by the Apostacon people to lower prices for one day and get some attention.  Anyone following their Facebook should have seen some hints of this coming.

August 25
You're Next[4]
August 26
Not a butter knife[5]
August 29
Nunchucks on the poop deck[6]
August 31
Pirate surgeon?[7]
September 2
Weird nails[8]
September 4
Sketch of the suspect[9]

September 10
I guess pirates don't play jacks[10]
September 13
Ninjas reveal themselves[11]

These ninjas might not be very good at ninjaing.  They foreshadowed their attack for weeks and have revealed their departure time (prices go back up at midnight tonight).  But anyone familiar with Shirt Woot already knows that cartoon ninjas aren't always good at their jobs[12].


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What To Do When Someone Says Something You Don't Like

For a variety of reasons, Calvin & Hobbes was a huge part of my childhood.  If any piece of fiction can define me, it's Calvin & Hobbes.  I identified with Calvin in ways I didn't fully appreciate until years after Bill Watterson stopped writing it.  Calvin's a loner, primarily preferring to spend his play time alone.  He's misunderstood.  But he's still happy, because he knows what he wants and what he likes.

If you saw Firefly during its first run and were mortified at its premature cancellation, then you know a sliver of what I felt when I learned Calvin & Hobbes was ending.  I still had the books, but I knew it meant no more new Calvin & Hobbes.  And even with how I felt, I understood and agreed.  Even the end of Calvin & Hobbes is part of who I am today.

Bill Watterson was sick of the corporate pressure to sell out[1].  He was being pressured to do merchandising, but he felt that would take away from the art.  Everyone involved, from the syndicators to Watterson, to the readers knew how much money he was walking away from.  It would have easily been millions.  Personally, I thought then, and still do, that Calvin & Hobbes merchandise would have dwarfed Garfield[2], which was everywhere at the time.  For Bill Watterson, his artistic integrity meant more than money.  It was inspiring, and it may be the single biggest influence on the way I view money today.

I'm so into Calvin & Hobbes that when a friend shared this[3] today, I immediately recognized the drawing style.  The message wasn't unfamiliar to me either.  I suppose you could say that Calvin & Hobbes defines my childhood, and its absence defines my adulthood.

So, when I saw that the Onion took a shot at Bill Watterson[4], I didn't like it.  The fact that the article is 2 years old is irrelevant, because it was new to me.

I typically enjoy The Onion.  One of my favorite things is still their bit about the trailer for Iron Man[5].  But the post about Watterson felt almost like an attack on a big part of my identity.  I had 2 choices in how to react.

I could take that post as representative of The Onion's entire character, take it personally offensive, completely write off The Onion, and begin telling people how evil The Onion is.

Or I could realize that not everyone is me.  Not everyone shares my opinions on everyone, so they might be offended by different things.  I could understand that my perception of this one post is not representative of the whole Onion.  I could understand that my perception of that one post isn't even representative of that one post.

I chose the latter.  It is the reasonable of the 2 choices, after all.  But too often, when presented with a similar situation, I see people choosing the former.

Ron Lindsay says something offensive, so people call for boycotts[6].  He did later apologize, which was accepted[8] by many.  But the damage to CFI will continue[8] because so much of the initial reaction wasn't to say he'd done something wrong.  Much of the initial reaction was to completely write him off.

JT Eberhard said something some feminists didn't like[9], so they lose their shit[10] and vilify him[11].  Some people declared JT dead to them, while others did the same to Jen & Greta.  JT & Jen McCreight eventually made up, but neither blogged about it.  So many who blindly wrote off either of them probably still hate whichever one they decided was the devil.

Rebecca Watson suggests guys shouldn't creepily corner women in elevators[11] and the Internet loses their goddamn minds and is STILL freaking the fuck out[12] on her[13].

On Twitter, people of all ideologies block at the drop of a hat.  There's enough willing to block unknown masses that the Block Bot[14] was popular enough to get the attention of the BBC[15].

Heads of national organizations make one mistake, and people call for their heads.  Popular bloggers get into one disagreement and their readers take sides as if a full on civil war is happening.  Complete strangers block each other on a whim.

This won't solve our problems.

If we don't argue, we don't learn.  If we don't argue, we don't teach.  If we don't deal with people who we disagree with, we don't have our ideas challenged.  And all ideas should be challenged.  It's how we figure out which ideas are good and which ideas should be shed.  It's how we are able to abandon bad ideas, even when they've been held dear for two thousand years.

If you're too eager to get rid of people over one disagreement, you'll end up with an ever shrinking circle jerk of people more and more less likely to ever challenge you.  You end up building an echo chamber.  All you get from an echo chamber is the reinforcement of bad ideas.  Even if the people challenging us are assholes about it, they're still giving us the opportunity for your ideas to be improved.

Don't put yourself in an echo chamber.  Have the courage to let your ideas be challenged.

You'll be better for it.
